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Helpful information


How do I access the live sessions?

You must first have the Zoom app installed on your computer. Go to the Programme page and click on the red 'Join session' button for the appropriate session. When the Zoom application opens, you will be prompted for a password.


What is the password to access the live and recorded sessions?

Registered participants received an email entitled '3rd ERNEST Meeting online access information'. If you registered yet can't find this email, check your spam folder. If you still can't find the password, please email, and we will send you the password after confirming your registration.


I didn't register for the conference. Can I still participate?

Please send a password request to Include your position/career level and work affiliation/address. We reserve the right to decline access.


​How can I get help with technical issues?

Email Please clearly explain the problem and include screenshots of any error messages.


How can I have the best online conference experience?

Join the waiting room for each session at least 5 minutes before the start of the session.

Keep yourself muted and disable your video during the talks. Audio and video can be switched back on for question/answer sessions.

Please send questions through the chat function in Zoom, which will be monitored by chairs and answered by speakers if time allows.

Speakers will also be available to answer questions during the 'Meet the Speaker' networking sessions, which occur daily at 15:00.

Sessions are separated by 15 min breaks, with a one-hour break at 14:00-15:00 (CET). Use this time to refresh: get up, stretch, go outside and relax your eyes by looking into the distance. Keep yourself nourished and well hydrated.


Will the sessions be recorded?

Yes, most sessions will be recorded. Some speakers have requested their talks not to be recorded. Edited session recordings will be made available on the Conference Recording page of this website, which will be protected by the same password used to access the live sessions. We will post recording links soon after each session closes.


How do I chose which parallel session to attend?

Attend the session for which live interaction (i.e. asking questions) is more important for you. Apart from the Networking sessions, all parallel sessions will be recorded for later viewing. Keep in mind you can contact speakers via email with questions/comments after the conference.


How will the Networking Sessions work (15:00-16:00 daily)?

Upon clicking the red 'Join session' button and entering the password, you will enter a 'main room' hosted by the ERNEST Chair Martha Sommer. You may stay in the main room or move to one of the 'breakout rooms' where that day's speakers will be present. The speaker room assignments are listed on the Programme page.

The Networking Sessions take place in parallel to other Sessions, which will be recorded for later viewing.


How can participate in the poster sessions (Monday and Tuesday at 18:00)?

Go to the 'Flash talk videos' page on this website and enter the same password as for the other sessions. Here you will see displayed different Poster Rooms. The poster flash talks can be viewed at any time by clicking on the video links. The poster presenters will be present in their respective rooms at 18:00-19:00 on either Monday Oct 12 or Tuesday Oct 13. Click on the red 'Join this room' to access the poster rooms (password protected Jitsi video conference link). Enter the room and have fun! Feel free to leave and join other rooms as you like. The poster sessions may be extended beyond 19:00 if more time for discussion is needed.


How can I participate in the Informal Networking & Socializing after the conference closes?

Grab a drink (alcoholic or otherwise ;) and click on one of the red 'Join room' buttons near the bottom of the Programme page. Feel free to move between the different rooms as you like. If demand is high, we can open additional rooms.




How much do I need to pay to register for the virtual conference?

The virtual conference is free of cost.  In fact, early career presenters have the opportunity to win cash prizes for their presentations. 


What happens when I register?

Once you register, you will receive an email with detailed instructions on how to connect to the conference.


I have submitted my abstract.  When will I find out if my abstract has been successful?

Organisers will be in touch shortly after the submission deadline to confirm posters or oral communications. 


Will the abstracts be published?

An abstract booklet will be compiled for distribution to participants in advance of the meeting.  Please indicate in the template if there are issues with dissemination of abstract content and we can censor the text.  


I am worried about the poster flash talk.  I have unpublished work that I do not want to publicly share. 

We can password protect all flash talk content to enable only password holders to access content. 


What are the technical requirements needed to participate?

To participate, you need a stable Internet connection and web browser.


Will I be able to ask questions during the sessions?

There will be the opportunity to post questions in the chat feature after presentations during the Q&A sessions.  We also have a dedicated 'Meet Today's speakers' session and additional networking opportunities across the different conference days.  




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